Silver Screen Medics
What conditions can you treat?
Private prescriptions can be made for the treatment of a wide range of general ailments. These include:
Acid Reflux
Altitude Sickness
Anal Itching
Allergies (e.g. hay fever, eczema, hives)
Asthma Inhalers
Bacteria Vaginosis
Colds and Flu
Combined Contraceptive Pill
Digestive problems
Ear Conditions (including earache and swimmer’s ear)
Eye infections
Genital Thrush
Headaches and Migraines
Insect Bites
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint Pains and Aches (e.g. hip, knee and back)
Pain Management
Traveller’s Diarrhoea
Travel Sickness
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Urinary Tract Infection
This is by no means a full list and if your condition isn’t listed here or in the section below, please get in touch to see if I can help.
Non-NHS Treatments
There are some ailments for which the NHS do not offer prescriptions despite the medicines being legal and licensed. We are able to offer such prescriptions to treat a variety of conditions including the following:
cold sores
herpes infection
flu infection​
This is by no means a full list and if you feel that we may be able to help with others please get in touch.
Are there illnesses you won’t treat or medications which you won’t prescribe?
Your safety and wellbeing is the main concern and as a result some drugs that can’t be prescribed unless you see your GP or specialist. This includes:
Antibiotics for Treatment of Dental Infections
Cancer Therapies
Certain Controlled Drugs (e.g. tramadol, morphine)​
CNS stimulants (e.g. for ADHD)
Fertility Drugs
Natural Thyroid Extracts
Continuity of Care
Our commitment to continuity of care is upheld through industry-standard patient records, ensuring the safe and secure storage of your information. These records are readily accessible whenever you need our medical clinic, facilitating safe and timely consultations.
This means that regular treatment by the same practitioner is available whenever you need it.